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Digital Images from the collection at the Library of Congress
A while back I noticed some pictures of Raquette Lake showing up on ebay. I snooped around and found they were from the Library of Congress. I dowloaded the ones about Raquette Lake and created these web pages using them. The  LOC scans have enough resolution to allow the extraction of details. Most seem to have come from a negative collection from Detroit Publishing Company. Eight by ten inch glass negatives taken at the beginning of the 20th century. Some of the images are also seen in my post card collection. 
Images of Raquette Lake from Library of Congress Digital Collectionplease click to viewclick to view collection
Images for panoramas of Raquette Lake from Library of Congress Digital Collectionplease click to viewpanorama componets
One panorama - none too goodplease click to viewpanaroma
Bibliographic information for imagesplease click to viewbibliography